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Taking The First Steps In Restoring Morrisseau’s Legacy

Norval Morrisseau standing in front of a painting

At EA Studios Calgary, we recently embarked on a transformative journey, one that we believe honours the rich heritage and profound impact of Norval Morrisseau’s work. We had the privilege of auctioning off a piece from our private collection of original Morrisseau paintings at this year’s Cowley Abbott auction – a decision that was not made lightly. This step represents more than just a transaction; it is part of a larger vision to restore and celebrate the legacy of a visionary artist whose work transcends the canvas to touch the essence of Canadian Indigenous art and culture.

A recent article from MutualArt delves into the significance of this auction, not only for us at EA Studios Calgary but for the broader art community and Indigenous cultures as a whole. By sharing one of his masterpieces with the world, we aim to ignite conversations, inspire appreciation and deepen understanding of Morrisseau’s contributions. This sale is a testament to our commitment to preserving and promoting Indigenous art, ensuring that its value and message endure for generations to come.

As we move forward, our focus remains steadfast on honoring the spirit and legacy of Norval Morrisseau. Through this and future initiatives, we are dedicated to amplifying the voices and stories that Morrisseau brought to life through his vibrant and mystical art. Join us in this meaningful journey as we explore the impact of Morrisseau’s art on contemporary culture and the art world at large, reinforcing our commitment to celebrating the rich tapestry of Indigenous art and heritage.

Read the full article here: Transformative Sales and Celebratory Milestones: Key Stories from Canada’s Fall Auctions