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Norval and Apprentice

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Norval Morrisseau’s, “Norval and Apprentice,” is a piece that instantly captures attention with its mesmerizing acrylic composition that unveils a profound connection between artist and pupil.

Painted in 1987, this piece adorns a 40″ x 30″ canvas, where a luminescent turquoise background sets the stage. The side profiles of the two subjects stand out, their eyes shining with a curious glow that draws the viewer into their world.

Bold strokes of pink, green, red and blue form a harmonious symphony of contrasting tones, symbolizing the depth and diversity of human experiences and how they are shared.

This piece is available for in-studio purchase only.

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Norval Morrisseau’s “Norval and Apprentice” Acrylic on canvas 1987 40″ x 30″

Additional information

Dimensions 40 × 30 in